Why We Do What We Do

HelpOurKids was founded in 2012 by Noryn Resnick.  Through her work as a volunteer foster care case reviewer, she became painfully aware of some of the things that were missing from the lives of most kids in foster care.  They had the basics of shelter, food, and clothing, but they often lacked the things and opportunities that other kids had.  They felt different.

Noryn started HelpOurKids to provide those extra things to enrich their lives and make them feel more “normal”.  Things like athletic equipment so they could join teams; music, dance, art, and swimming lessons to fulfill a passion; fees to join organizations, and much more.

We do it because kids in foster care are among the most vulnerable in our society.  None of them asked to be in care and all of them are powerless to affect their status.  They depend on the people and institutions that provide for them.  Often the resources are limited and that is where HelpOurKids steps in to do what it can to make their lives better.

We are grateful for the help of our very generous community of volunteers, donors, sponsors, and allies.  Please consider volunteering your time, skills, or even making a contribution to HelpOurKids to help us support our youth in foster care.